Wednesday, July 18, 2012


This is a picture of a liquor store shelf.  It is very organized.  The organization in this picture appears to be by type, brand, and size.  Looking at the shelves, the main separation is by the different types of alcohol.  Bourbons are all grouped together and whiskeys are in their own section.  Vodkas, tequilas, gins, brandies, and rums are all laid out in an organized pattern.  Within each type of alcohol they are sorted by brands.  In the bourbons, all of the Jim Beam bottles are separate from the other bourbons, and all of the other types of alcohol are the same way.  Then, within the brands, they are further organized into bottle size.  All of the small bottles are in a row, the bottles the next size up are in a row, and the larger bottles are also in a row beside them.  One thing I see here that I would do differently is keep every thing consistent.  For example each brand would all have the smallest bottles on the left and the largest bottles on the right and I would do the same for every brand.  I like things to be organized even though I am not always organized.  Every now and then I will get really focused and start cleaning and organizing everything in my house or room or truck and I won't stop until everything is in its place and appears to be organized.

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